Thursday 27 April 2017

Personal focus as a designer

Airbus Airspace by Priestmangoode

Crew Dragon Interior by SpaceX

I-PACE Concept by Jaguar

Train interior concept by Priestmangoode

With a personal focus on making the future better and more exciting than the present, I identified transport early on as somewhere I could hope to make a difference. Most people have to utilise some form of transport every day, and more often than not their experiences are negative. It is rare to hear someone say something positive about their morning commute, particularly if they used public transport. Though it may seem a trivial issue, the general population starting their day with a poor experience does not result in a population as happy, as excited or as productive as it could be. 

Conversely, most people's very first experiences on a plane or train are exciting and memorable. It is only after regular use that the thrill quickly fades as the intrigue over the technology wanes and they're left with constant delays, unreliable service and poor quality, dull and overcrowded environments. The transport of the future should make people look forward to using it, it should not be a chore or a hardship, which is what it often is now. 

My focus throughout Level 5 has been on user interface and user experience design, particularly interface design for transport. I intend to continue this development throughout Level 6, and potentially challenge myself in COP by exploring potential interface solutions for spacecraft. This complies with my 3-stage plan for the future, which is to start with a career in the automotive industry, then expand to public transport until I have the expertise and the understanding to help influence the future of space transport. Though my initial focus will be on human-machine interface design, I'd like to expand my role to designing the overall experience of the product or service, whether that be a car, train, plane, hyperloop or spacecraft. 

I fully expect this plan to alter, or be disbanded entirely in time. But by then I will at least have created something exciting and new. 

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