Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The Role of Graphic Design in Transitioning Humanity to a Spacefaring, Sustainable Species (work in progress)

Tesla and Space X acknowledge the role that graphic design and design in general has in affecting public opinion and advancing certain products or services. Tesla was born out of the realisation that electric vehicles would never become the norm if they weren't designed in a way that made them better or at least equal with their fossil-fuel based equivalents. Through this realisation, Tesla proceeded to design and engineer a car that was designed to be as physically attractive as most high end luxury sedans, and to perform even better. 

SpaceX could be said to employ graphic design as a means of legitimising some of their operations by making them appear well-orchestrated and advanced. Tesla's logo has a sharp, red appearance reminiscent of Ancient Japanese art and design, giving it a wise and almost philosophical feel. It's precise, mechanical and considered, like a Ninja. Their identity as a whole is more contemporary Western, combining clean sans-serif type with dramatic and emotive imagery. It convinces us that their product is something not only for personal improvement, but for the greater good. 

Whilst putting a good logo on a product doesn't make it a good product, it certainly makes us expect that it is a good product. In Tesla's case, a good product is simply complemented by good design (but no marketing), and because of this the EV industry has exploded. Sales have become formidable, and rival car manufactures have announced intentions to release electrical vehicles themselves. This has greatly furthered EV research and advancement, precipitating humanity's transition to fully electric transport. And graphic design played its part in it. 

Additionally, a working combination of graphic design and glossy filmography makes rocket launches and craft tests more appealing to a wider audience. Traditionally, your average modern person may not be particularly concerned about a reusable rocket booster test, but they're more likely to be concerned if it's presented like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANv5UfZsvZQ.

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