Sunday 13 May 2018

PPP Design Boards

PPP Evaluation

Personal and Professional Practice

Multiple positive events have occurred in Level 6 - I have expanded my online network to almost 700 designers and talent recruitment professionals spanning the automotive, aerospace, consumer tech and video game industries, and have made a number of successful leads. I’ve received CV and portfolio advice from major recruitment specialists in London, developed a relationship with a transport design studio in the mountains of Austria, got a job offer from Intermarketing Agency then translated it into a two week placement, and received an invitation from BMW to attend an interview in Munich. Though I’ll be returning to Jaguar Land Rover upon graduation to work as an Interface Designer, I am already planning potential next steps and career/location flows to lead to my current aspirational destinations - Tesla and SpaceX. PPP has been most helpful in that it required me to conduct a placement this year - working at Intermarketing Agency was incredibly beneficial in developing my skills in the UI design tool Sketch, and gave valuable insight into agency life and the inherent differences between it and working in-house. 

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Placement at Intermarketing Agency

Reception area at Intermarketing Agency

I chose to do my industrial placement during the last taught week before submission intentionally to test my ability to handle multiple high-priority tasks and prioritise my time. 

My first task has been to create initial concepts for the redesign of an internal asset delivery system (seen above); one of my developed concepts is below. 

One of many concepts I created using Sketch

I'm working as a Digital Designer at Intermarketing Agency, and it has already proven incredibly useful - my UI design workflow has been drastically improved through an improved knowledge and usage of Sketch, and my willingness and realisation of the enormous benefit of seeking out feedback has been reinforced. My design skills in icon creation and the method of constant-iteration have also been improved, as well as my interpersonal, communication and adaption skills. 

My time to follow will focus on developing my motion skills - surrounded by designers proficient in After Effects, it'd be irrational not to. 

Friday 20 April 2018

Invited to Munich for an interview with BMW Designworks

Through previous interaction with Claudia regarding a placement, she later contacted me through LinkedIn to invite me to an interview regarding a full time position at BMW Designworks. Since I'm committed to going to Jaguar Land Rover upon graduating I noted this as a potential conflict of interest and told her that although I'm not available right now, we should stay in touch in the future. 

Wednesday 18 April 2018 - A LinkedIn for remote or freelance work

It's important to have a wide online network, and to get your name in as many closed networks (that are relevant) as possible. Remote is a new online service with a similar mission to LinkedIn, so it was a priority to establish a presence there.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Placement at Intermarketing Agency

After being approached by Intermarketing Agency earlier this year regarding a graduate position as a UI Designer, I inquired about the possibility of doing a short placement there. Though we're still negotiating an appropriate time, we've agreed it should be two weeks sometime in May. Though unpaid, it'll be a great opportunity to explore agency working (rather than in-house), and work on projects I wouldn't otherwise work on, such as in-store and web design. 

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Portfolio and CV feedback from the Director of Interaction Design at BMW Designworks

Regardless of the outcome of job applications/interviews, asking for feedback on your assets can be incredibly useful. 

Invited to test out InVision Studio

After signing up for early access last summer, InVision invited me to test out their new UI creation product - Studio. It's important to stay up to date with the industry's most relevant software, and get as familiar with it as is useful. Though buggy, Studio provides an initial lead against Adobe XD through its inclusion of in-built basic animation presets. 

Sunday 18 March 2018

Tailoring my portfolio

My L6 briefs have been tailored to suit the needs of my portfolio by appealing to and impressing recruiters in the automotive, technology, film and games industries. Particular pieces of work have been designed specifically for these individual industries, since they are often looking for particular styes, backgrounds and visual scenarios. 

Film and Video Game Industry:

Particular pieces of work, such as this currency concept, have been revisited and given an updated, much improved presentation 

Tech Industry:

Automotive Industry:

Thursday 1 March 2018

Dribbble account

After receiving an invitation for a full Dribbble profile, it made sense to utilise the platform to further my online presence. 

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Job offer from Jaguar Land Rover

Following a three month placement this summer at JLR as an Interface Designer, I've been offered a place on their 2-year 2018 graduate scheme as a Creative Design Graduate. I'll be rejoining the Interface Design Group, creating the UI for future infotainment (centre touchscreen, instrument clusters etc.). 

Tuesday 27 February 2018

LinkedIn Update

Hunting for placements (Ubisoft Reflections and Territory Studio)

Communication with recruiters: 

Keeping contact with a recruiting director at Tesla 

Monday 5 February 2018

Recent Visual Inspiration

Pinterest is used extensively in my practice to document and archive major sources of visual inspiration; particularly Graphic/UI Design, Architectural/Environment Design, Colour and Material Design, and Product/Industrial/Transport Design.

Xbox One X is an inspiring continuation of Microsoft's impressive industrial design strategy - minimal, elegant and purposeful. The dark matte black colour contrasts with the mostly white chassis of the critically acclaimed Xbox One S design, inferring its power and purpose as a pro gaming machine over the more entertainment-based, family appeal of the One S. For a company with its foundations in software, Microsoft have surprised the world again and again with their skills at hardware design and engineering. 

The use of large, beautiful imagery is a huge asset for interface designers in creating user engagement, delight, purposefulness and personality. Overlaying elements and utilising transparency effects helps to create a layered, hierarchical appearance. 

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Seeking portfolio advice

I contacted one of the UK's leading up-and-coming UX recruitment consultants, Tom Cotterill, and asked if, although my focus is on UI, he had the time to give feedback on my online portfolios. His reply can be seen on the screenshot below; it's incredibly useful and insightful feedback, and will be actioned on. 

AkzoNobel's 2018 Colour of the Year

AkzoNobel Colour Trends 2018
A Welcome Home

The mood of the moment:

"We live in a world where we don't know what the news will bring every day. We have access to more information and more choices than ever before. there are more expectations and more demand on our time. We have seen evidence of division within our societies. Our usual sources of reassurance can't be relied upon. We are living in a time of unpredictability." 

"During times of unpredictability, consumers need to feel confident about the decisions they make about their homes. Our ColourFutures 2018 palettes have been designed with this in mind. Each palette offers a collection of shades that are easy to use and flow seamlessly from one tone to the next. The Colour of the Year 2018, Heart Wood, features in all four colour palettes and represents the warmth of natural wood -- the warmth that consumers turn to during times of flux."

The Heart Wood Home

A Welcome Home is a Heart Wood home. This is where you feel instantly at ease, surrounded by the gentle grey-pink tones of Heart Wood. The nourishing warmth of wood and tactile comfort of leather add to the sense of harmony. The Heart Wood Home palette reflects this versatility, with soft cocoa flowing into bolder shades of ink blue and purple.

The Comforting Home

The Comforting Home combines warm woods, leather, silk and velvet to create a space that you want to touch and sink into. Rich, welcoming interiors offer you a restorative embrace and are filled with deep colours, such as terracotta, generously layered with textures. The Comforting Home palette encourages cocooning and re-setting – warm earth tones bring a sense of comfort, while clay and blush pink help calm the mind and soothe the senses.

The Inviting Home

The Inviting Home can be your den to snuggle in, your nest to grow in, your camp in which to create memories. Comfort and convenience reign supreme in the Inviting Home. The Inviting Home palette is for those who seek to bond with the people that matter to them most. Cool shades of blue encourage a clear-headed approach to life, while easy-going neutrals and sea-green support the need for connection.

The Playful Home

The Playful Home can be your hub to recharge in, your space to create and dream in. There is a sense of energy with vibrant color focal points and plants hanging from walls. With the Playful Home palette consumers can create a space that is invigorating and full of life. Yellow-toned green and gold help spark the synapses and encourage a creative approach to life.