Thursday 14 January 2016

What blue does a lover of blue choose?

Loving blue as much as I do makes it difficult to chose a shade to represent me. I have spent hours trying to find a turquoise to accurately suit who I am because turquoise appeals to me most, but in the end I realised that IK Blue (0033CC) is the most perfect. 

Created 60 years ago by artist Yves Klein, it's a deep and pure form of blue; in some ways it is the most pure representation of blue. Despite its current trendiness in the world of design, its importance and appeal will not disappear with the trend. It is both energetic and calming. It is the ultimate harmonious shade. 

Additionally, as a paint pigment it is notoriously hard to dry (in fact some claim it never dries) and so that plays to my ideology of never standing still or never stopping until things are perfect. Things can almost always be better. 

Dark night skies. Energy. Excitement. Legacy. Future. 

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