Sunday 13 May 2018

PPP Design Boards

PPP Evaluation

Personal and Professional Practice

Multiple positive events have occurred in Level 6 - I have expanded my online network to almost 700 designers and talent recruitment professionals spanning the automotive, aerospace, consumer tech and video game industries, and have made a number of successful leads. I’ve received CV and portfolio advice from major recruitment specialists in London, developed a relationship with a transport design studio in the mountains of Austria, got a job offer from Intermarketing Agency then translated it into a two week placement, and received an invitation from BMW to attend an interview in Munich. Though I’ll be returning to Jaguar Land Rover upon graduation to work as an Interface Designer, I am already planning potential next steps and career/location flows to lead to my current aspirational destinations - Tesla and SpaceX. PPP has been most helpful in that it required me to conduct a placement this year - working at Intermarketing Agency was incredibly beneficial in developing my skills in the UI design tool Sketch, and gave valuable insight into agency life and the inherent differences between it and working in-house. 

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Placement at Intermarketing Agency

Reception area at Intermarketing Agency

I chose to do my industrial placement during the last taught week before submission intentionally to test my ability to handle multiple high-priority tasks and prioritise my time. 

My first task has been to create initial concepts for the redesign of an internal asset delivery system (seen above); one of my developed concepts is below. 

One of many concepts I created using Sketch

I'm working as a Digital Designer at Intermarketing Agency, and it has already proven incredibly useful - my UI design workflow has been drastically improved through an improved knowledge and usage of Sketch, and my willingness and realisation of the enormous benefit of seeking out feedback has been reinforced. My design skills in icon creation and the method of constant-iteration have also been improved, as well as my interpersonal, communication and adaption skills. 

My time to follow will focus on developing my motion skills - surrounded by designers proficient in After Effects, it'd be irrational not to. 

Friday 20 April 2018

Invited to Munich for an interview with BMW Designworks

Through previous interaction with Claudia regarding a placement, she later contacted me through LinkedIn to invite me to an interview regarding a full time position at BMW Designworks. Since I'm committed to going to Jaguar Land Rover upon graduating I noted this as a potential conflict of interest and told her that although I'm not available right now, we should stay in touch in the future. 

Wednesday 18 April 2018 - A LinkedIn for remote or freelance work

It's important to have a wide online network, and to get your name in as many closed networks (that are relevant) as possible. Remote is a new online service with a similar mission to LinkedIn, so it was a priority to establish a presence there.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Placement at Intermarketing Agency

After being approached by Intermarketing Agency earlier this year regarding a graduate position as a UI Designer, I inquired about the possibility of doing a short placement there. Though we're still negotiating an appropriate time, we've agreed it should be two weeks sometime in May. Though unpaid, it'll be a great opportunity to explore agency working (rather than in-house), and work on projects I wouldn't otherwise work on, such as in-store and web design.