Friday 20 April 2018

Invited to Munich for an interview with BMW Designworks

Through previous interaction with Claudia regarding a placement, she later contacted me through LinkedIn to invite me to an interview regarding a full time position at BMW Designworks. Since I'm committed to going to Jaguar Land Rover upon graduating I noted this as a potential conflict of interest and told her that although I'm not available right now, we should stay in touch in the future. 

Wednesday 18 April 2018 - A LinkedIn for remote or freelance work

It's important to have a wide online network, and to get your name in as many closed networks (that are relevant) as possible. Remote is a new online service with a similar mission to LinkedIn, so it was a priority to establish a presence there.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Placement at Intermarketing Agency

After being approached by Intermarketing Agency earlier this year regarding a graduate position as a UI Designer, I inquired about the possibility of doing a short placement there. Though we're still negotiating an appropriate time, we've agreed it should be two weeks sometime in May. Though unpaid, it'll be a great opportunity to explore agency working (rather than in-house), and work on projects I wouldn't otherwise work on, such as in-store and web design.